Mentre Israel investiga l'oligofrènia de bombardejar criatures, Amnistia Internacional m'alerta per correu electrònic de la imminent lapidació d'una dona a la Disneylàndia musulmana, l'Iran. Els patrocinadors d'Hezbol·lah diuen que Ashraf Kolhari (digues aquest nom en veu alta) ha de morir perquè estan convençuts que és una adúltera. Si com jo, sents la teva consciència lapidada per aquest veredicte, et convido a enviar el text que trobaràs a sota a l'aiatol·là Ali Khamenei: info@leader.ir, istiftaa@wilayah.org
Pel que fa a la comissió que Hezbol·lah crearà per investigar l'oligofrènia de bombardejar civils a Israel, segur que l'anuncien demà, oi?
Your Excellency,
I would like to express my concern that Ashraf Kolhari is reportedly facing imminent execution by stoning for adultery. I would like to remind you that the UN Human Rights Committee (in the case of Toonen v Australia) has made clear that treating adultery and fornication as criminal offences does not comply with international human rights standards. Therefore the sentence of execution by stoning imposed on Ashraf Kalhori breaches Iran's commitment under article 6(2) of the ICCPR that if it imposes the deaths sentence this will be "only for the most serious crimes".
I call for the death sentence on Ashraf Kolhori to be commuted immediately. I oppose to the death penalty, as the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment and violation of the right to life and I call for the abolition of execution by stoning in Iran as a positive step towards implementing international law and standards for the protection of human rights.
Yours sincerely,
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